First thing's first:
Y'all are funny. Y'all ask for positive music but then won't buy positive music when it's available. On more than one occasion, I've been told by many of my friends in the industry that they hear the constant, "I couldn't get it to work" or "I don't know what I'm doing". Please stop. They'd much rather you say you weren't interested or it wasn't your type of thing. That's actually cool. People can live with that. What is a little more difficult to tolerate is being told you lacked the dexterity to download an MP3 or WAV file (for all my Itunes heads out there) when you are completely capable of handling every single form of social media, Microsoft application, etc. One is truly no more difficult than the other.
To book someone actually means a transfer of medium has taken place. Christian artists, Holy Hip Hop artists or whatever you wish to call them, feed their families and dress their children using the same money you use to feed and support your own. To continue to "book" these artists only offering the usual "you're more than welcome to sell CDs afterwards" is common but shouldn't be used as a tool to make the artist feel guilty for wanting to get paid off of their gift. Gas prices and vehicle maintenance is real. They've blessed your event with their time and talent. You, in turn, should be a blessing to them as well.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with said artist seeking compensation for his or her art. If Bishop T.D. Jakes writes a book and it becomes a best seller, we say he's a genius. If Tyler Perry (who may be a bad example for this exercise but bear with me) releases a movie you have no issue supporting him financially. Why is it when the Pastor or the Artist seeks compensation they've become demons straight from the depths of Hell? They come to your events to be a blessing when you know good and well your church isn't purchasing CDs. (funny how y'all always manage to find the money to pay the speaker or the national recording artist you wanted). They record with the secular artist (because truth be told we've always received more love in the hood than the church), you see them as traitors; and honestly, when they came to your Church, and you cut them that $15 check (if that) and told them "we wish we could give you more", they have a thought as well. They're thinking "I wish you could have too".
Let me clear something up. Truthfully all churches lack financial resources to do these things from time to time. We all understand that. Most of these artists don't have any problem being a blessing and are more than willing to tune into the Holy Spirit from time to time and minister because ministry is truly needed. I've given away a hundred CDs on more than one occasion because the Holy Spirit told me that everyone who needed to blessed by the music didn't have the ten dollars to pay for it. We've all done it. I've done paid and free events; but some of you NEVER pay anybody, can't or won't even agree to send them money when you can pay them ( a week or so later is okay, trust me), and truthfully are doing so knowing you could be a financial blessing to them if you want to. There's a difference between being a blessing and being raped for your gift.
Think about it..........................
Copyright September 2015 GQ_4_Eva